Friday, September 30, 2011

Lela Pandak Lam

Dato Maharaja Lela

Feel like to review back the Malaysian history and it is Perak in my mind.I read this particular incidence during my secondary school history class.Till today I pay extra interest on anything that  got to do with history.Today a brief history of Dato Maharaja Lela.If you remember those day "Gila Gila"magazine which will carry one of its page on Dato Maharaja lela vs JWW Birch.And of cause its become one of its highlight.I can't remember if this so call Maharaja Lela vs Birch are still in today version because its been years I saw this magazine and doubt if its still exist.If still available "Gila Gila" magazine got class.Today I would like to share a brief history on one of Malaysia past history.

Ripen fruits using carbide gas - The danger we face

A survey by Consumer Associations shows that Malaysians are consuming toxic fruits which are ripened by a hazardous chemical, calcium carbide. This poses great health risks to consumers.

Calcium carbide has cancer-causing properties and is capable of causing neurological disorders. It can result in tingling sensation, numbness and peripheral neuropathy. If pregnant women consume fruit ripened with carbide, the children born could develop abnormalities.
The use of calcium carbide is not only toxic to consumers, it may also be harmful to those who handle it. It affects the neurological system, resulting in headache, dizziness, mood disturbances, sleepiness, mental confusion and seizures on a short-term basis, while in the long-term it can cause memory loss and cerebral oedema.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Barang lama yang ada sentimental value

Aku tak sangka ada juga komuniti blogger pengumpul barang-barang lama wujud di malaysia ini.Smalam perasaan aku agak 'slow-motion' sikit ketika mengadap laptop aku melayari internet..hehehe.. banyak perkara lama yang aku dah lupa, tapi blog mereka ini berjaya mengingatkan aku kembali peristiwa-peristiwa lama yang telah dilupakan.. untuk tidak melengahkan masa, aku nak kongsi serba sedikit gambar yang membuatkan aku tertarik untuk kongsi dengan anda semua.Kenangan lalu.

Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil ? Because you asked for it

Technology ! I am amused and especially if this got to do with global warming and environment control.Believe on Plastic scrap turn into oil ? And use them as a fuel in car,generator,machine and what ever that use oils?Something smell like science fiction and exactly like Back To The Future film where garbage is use to run the so call "time machine" car.

Is Work KILLING You? Time for Ergonomics

What is Office ergonomics?

It is the science of designing work and workplaces to accommodate the user's physical and psychological needs. It aims to minimise the person's limitations and amplify his or her capabilities.

Here are the general rules for posture at work:

Are You "Man" Enough?

These are some of the top conditions Dr Ng Kok Kit, Consultant Urologist, Andropause and Men’s Health Clinic at Changi General Hospital has been seeing in recent years. Although these problems may be due to reasons such as financial or relationship stresses, andropause – a condition brought about by declining levels of the male hormone, testorone – can also result in sexual problems with the advent of middle age.

It is not necessarily a mid-life crisis, but rather an actual physical decline of the body,” said Dr Ng.  “For older couples, it is important to understand how ageing affects both partners and that they should accommodate each other’s limitations.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Facts About The Colour Yellow

Yellow is a colour associated with sun, warmth, happiness, fun, friendship, caution, intelligence, Easter, lemons, bananas, electricity, hope and curiosity.

Yellow is a primary colour, along with
and blue. The word yellow comes from the Old English word geolu.

In Japan, yellow is the colour of courage.

In Egypt, it is the colour of mourning.

In American slang, a coward can be said to be yellow or yellow-bellied.

Yellow is a colour that is easily visible, this is why it is commonly used to indicate caution, for
example, on a set of traffic lights, yellow divides the red light and green light, meaning drivers can go, but be cautious.
fish that have yellow tails or a yellow body.

Goldenrod is a yellow flowering plant in the Family Asteraceae. Also a city in the Poékmon world!

Coldplay achieved worldwide fame with their 2000 single "Yellow". It is a song that associates things the singer sees with the color yellow.

Yellow cards are shown by a referee in football/soccer to indicate that a player has been officially cautioned because they have committed a foul or have wasted time.

Finally, some cool dude called
Dan Zambonini asked an interesting question - something that no ordinary mind would even think of:

Why were Post-it Notes originally yellow?

He managed to get an answer from the creators of post-it notes via twitter, here's their answer:

"We were in the labs and if you imagine, this is my lab here, and then there's a corridor, and then there’s another lab. They happened to have some scrap yellow paper – laughs – it's absolutely true."

"They had some scrap yellow paper – that's why they were yellow; and when we went back and said 'hey guys, you got any more scrap yellow paper?' they said 'you want any more go buy it yourself', and that's what we did, and that's why they were yellow."

"To me it was another one of those incredible accidents. It was not thought out; nobody said they'd better be yellow rather than white because they would blend in - it was a pure accident."

Monday, September 26, 2011

The first day of life - My two nephew's welcome aboard

I am a happy man because two of my sisters had given birth to lovely babies.Sunitha with baby boy and Rekha with baby girl.Well two more new people in Mr and Mrs Kasuvan family.I am happy for both of them and may they have a wonderful and joyful days a head with their new born.Well I have two on my own and it is really fun to watch them growing.I use to see both of my kids like me when I were kid.A lot of thing I do not have a chance to do or have during my kids day and I fulfill it through them.There is a happiness on that which I really enjoy.Of cause not to spoil them at least there must always have a limit on what you are doing or giving to your kids.They catch up fast and you had to be there to guide them.

Something I would like to share on this beautiful occasion on my new nephew's as my welcoming address to them in my blog where there had merge into this world.Welcome Boy and girl.
You've been waiting for this day for months: Finally you get to meet your new baby. But like many new parents, you might not have a clear idea of what that meeting will be like.

What to do when you involved in a road accident.Do you know ?

Do you know what to do if you are involved in a road accident? You may have injured yourself or another person or you may have damaged your vehicle or another person's vehicle in the process. What should you do? The following guide will come in handy, especially if you're new on the road. 

Red lipstick spreads the lead - "A Poison Kiss"

Some of the red lipsticks manufactured in the United States and used daily by millions of women contain high levels of lead, according to new product tests commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a nonprofit coalition.
The tests for lead in lipstick were conducted by an independent laboratory over the month of September on red lipsticks bought in Boston, Hartford, Connecticut, San Francisco and Minneapolis.

20 of 33 brand-name lipsticks tested contained detectable levels of lead, with levels ranging from 0.03-0.65 parts per million (ppm). None of these lipsticks listed lead as an ingredient, according to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of women’s, public health, labour, environmental health and consumer rights groups.
“Lead builds up in the body over time and lead-containing lipstick applied several times a day, every day, can add up to significant exposure levels. The latest studies show there is no safe level of lead exposure,” said Mark Mitchell, MD, president of the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice.

Batteries can leak, overheat and rupture - causing chemical burns to your kids

Your household batteries, those cylindrical little storehouses of power which come in various sizes, look harmless and in fact safe enough what with their gleaming metal casing and all, right?

These batteries can leak, over-heat and rupture. When this happens, corrosive liquid can cause chemical burns to children.
That is why it is imperative that children should not be allowed to install the batteries in their toys themselves. This is because if a battery is put in backwards or reversed (that is, positive end where the negative end belongs and vice versa), it can overheat and rupture. There have been cases where this had happened when young children installed batteries backwards.

How hire-purchase amendments protect consumers

The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs should continue to protect consumers by strictly enforcing the Hire-Purchase Act 1967 (HPA) and the recent amendments which came into effect on 15 June 2011.

Those in the motor business are complaining that their sales are down by 20-30% and they attribute it to the amendments though they also acknowledge that the amendments do protect consumers.
Yet at the same time the Malaysian Automotive Association predicts that the sales of automobiles in Malaysia are expected to reach a new record this year despite the disruption in supply following the earthquake in Japan and delays to vehicle registrations due to the HPA. (The Star 19.07.11)

3-in-1 beverages come with hidden dangers

The Consumers Association of Penang calls upon Malaysians to abstain from consuming 3-in-1 beverages. These drinks and cereal preparations are cheap and convenient but are laden with excessive sugar which brings with it many hidden dangers to our health.
Malaysians are reported to be among the highest consumers of sugar in South East Asia. In the 1970s, Malaysians consumed about 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. This figure went up to about 21 teaspoons a day in the 1980s. Now, Malaysians are reported to be consuming an average of 24 teaspoons of sugar per day. This is because sugar is present in almost every kind of processed food as well as being an accompaniment to beverages at food outlets and at home.

3.4 million or 14.9% Malaysians are Diabetics

14 November is World Diabetes Day. Since it was launched by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1991 it has become the primary awareness campaign of the global diabetes community. Every year on this date the Ministry of Health launches a campaign to create awareness on the effect of diabetes. In spite of this, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Malaysia, especially that of Type 2, has increased to epidemic proportions.

According to the Second National Health and Morbidity survey it is estimated that 3.4 million Malaysians are diabetes sufferers in 2010.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Statistic come to life - 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

I really amuse with this presentation.Wonder how the world had come this far with rapid technology,economy boost and stepping into future.Some country going forward advancing and some are still staying put with bleak future.When I look into this , its remind me of our own life where some leaping forward and some still behind following closely and there are others paralyse in life and perish without a trace.I had not see this kind of presentation before and had to say this is really awesome.A 200 years statistic on 200 countries.

The Sleep Cycle

Well, Johnny English Reborn was amazing, and there're lots of new exciting movies that will be out this October up to year end. Sorry, just a little bit of how I spent my time sometime. Alright, lets move on to our topic today, The Sleep Cycle.
As I'm sure many of you love to sleep, I'm also sure that you don't really understand about sleep eventhough you spent one third of your life just to sleep. Well, read this one carefully as you may need it to tell your kids one day. First of all, look at the picture below.

Think Your Safety First Girls

The world nowadays, is full with "farked up" guys who look at girls as a sex object, which in turn causing sex crime to increase. The common use of pepper spray or krav maga or both in protecting oneself from being raped certainly makes the male antagonist to be creative, hence, the date and rape drug.

In Malaysia, I believe the use of alcohol is not so often, plus people kinda look weird on you if you consume alcohol without medical purposes. Hence, the "farked up" men now use some kind of strong sleeping pills which I think is legally obtained. But rest assured girls, with the new smart straw will help you in ID-ing whether your drink is drugged or not.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Breakfast here and around the world

Breakfast anyone? Yes for me as it is one the must in my daily life.Not only mine but to everyone daily life.For me a life without breakfast will be miserable.I seldom skip breakfast and its happened only some time let say one in a blue moon.Breakfast is also important and a must after the long night fast (Sleeping la what else).

Everyone in Malaysia know what is famous for our daily breakfast menu....nasi lemak,roti chanai (prata),tosei,bread toast with half boil egg  and of cause dim sum.You name it this is what everybody had in my country Malaysia.So lets talked about other country or other part of the world.When I was in China I had to settle with chicken porridge and in India there are variety of tosei and iddly.Let look at some of the country and lets peek what they have commonly for their break fast.


Resigning with Class: How to Diplomatically Resign From Your Job

Are you preparing to resign from your current job? Some job-seekers have a hard time doing so, either because they love the job and their co-workers or because they can't stand the job and can't wait to leave. Curious? Then read on. This article is really two articles in one. The first part discusses the strategies behind making a graceful departure from your employer and the second part shows you how to write a letter of resignation.
Strategies for Resigning with Class

The most important job-search rule to remember when resigning from any job is that you never want to leave on bad terms -- if possible. Courtesy, etiquette, and professionalism go a long way. So, as much as you may want to tell off your boss or a co-worker, you should never burn any bridges. And don't spend time bragging to co-workers about your great new opportunity. Job-hunting is a funny process, and you never know when you'll run smack right into your former supervisor, a former co-worker, or a former employer through a merger or other circumstance.

So, once you are ready to announce your resignation, how can you make as smooth a transition from your current employer to your new one? You'll again want to act professionally -- and follow company guidelines. Specifically, you need to consider:

Top 10 Global Brands in 2011

It turns out BRIC emerging economies account for at least 19 of the to 100 most valuable brands in the world according to WWP - versus only 2 in 2006.

“The importance of brand for global business success is becoming increasingly significant,” said David Roth at WPP. “In the last year, the global economy shifted from recovery to real growth, and the combined value of all brands in the top 100 ranking has risen by 64% since 2006 and is now worth US$2.4 trillion. Strong brands, while not immune to the vicissitudes of the market, are more protected, prepared, resourceful and resilient.”

Navaratri/Dassera-Festival of mother

SALUTATIONS to the Divine Mother, Durga, who exists in all beings in the form of intelligence, mercy, beauty, who is the consort of Lord Shiva, who creates, sustains and destroys the universe.

Navaratri (in September-October) is a festival celebrated with eclat in homes and temples alike. According to ancients, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati signify valor, wealth and learning, respectively, just as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva stand for creation, preservation and annihilation.

Navaratri is ideal for worshipping the Mother in her three roles. There is a Vasantha Navaratri, on the nine days starting from sukla paksha prathama in Chithirai month in spring, when Uma is worshipped. What is commonly called Navaratri is the nine-day festival starting from prathama in sukla paksha of Purattasi (September-October). According to the chandra mana measure, these are the nine days from prathama to navami in the aswija sukla paksha. This is the popular autumnal festival Sharada Navaratri when Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshipped.

There is a belief that the first three days are for worship of Durga and the breeding of courage and valor in the world; the next three for worship of Lakshmi for universal prosperity; and the last three for worship of Saraswati for growth of learning.

Einstein, The Freaking Genius

Today I feel like a historian, so I’m gonna tell you the history of a brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein. Einstein is so famous till the word Einstein is used to describe a genius, regardless of what field they’re in. Though he was a brilliant scientist, not that many people really understand how his life was. So here, I’m hoping that you guys can use his life story as your motivation, whatever.

Einstein in his early life

Einstein was born in March 1879, in Ulm, located under the German Empire during that time. During his early childhood, Einstein had some difficulties in speaking. He attended a Catholic elementary school when he was five and three years later, he was transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium where he received more advance primary and secondary education.

Jitterbug dance

I really amuse when watching this dance.A type of swing dance that also remind me during my teenage days.Remember break dance? Well its hot during my younger days and I am not exceptional either on this phenomena that hits the world.I and friends use to do break dancing way back then and even perform in expo.I did do a performance wile dancing and singing a Jive Bunny song in ADD(annual dinner and dance) of my previously employed company back then.Believe more than 20 years had pass but when I see this Jitterbug dance its remind me what I did back then.I really enjoy it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our Top Scientists Are Now Telling Us That Life Once Lived On Mars, That We Can Predict The Future And That Time Travel Is Possible?

Once upon a time, the only people who seemed to be talking about life on Mars, predicting the future and time travel were science fiction fanatics and the mentally unstable.  But today, our top scientists are actually telling us that all of these things are real.  Things that once appeared to be great unexplained mysteries are seemingly opening up to the world of science.  Or maybe our top scientists are becoming mentally unstable.  One way or the other, things that were once forbidden to talk about in the scientific community are becoming headline news.  In fact some of the top scientists of the world are saying things that are literally mind blowing.  Just consider some of the things that our top scientists have been telling us lately.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Japan Tsunami Revisit - The Yu Muroga-san footage

We saw it in news read about it on paper and surf the net for information.Some really had a first hand experience and some lives perish with great lost to family and the loves one.A lot of organization had a charity donation to channel the fund to effected area in Japan.I happened to receive news on my Japanese friend who lost their love ones.A cruelty of nature disaster which rock the island without mercy to human kind.I deeply saddened and my condolence to all the victims whom survive and to all their love one who morned.

We had saw many footage on the resent Tsunami and what I would like to share here is the footage taken during the incidence on the road.Breath taking and can't believe my eyes on the cruelty of mother nature.
The story goes on Yu Muroga-san as below.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What Does It Feel Like To Fly Over Planet Earth?

Space I consider amazing with man made technology that enable mankind to see our planet from outside.A beautiful 3rd rock from the sun with state of the art view from your PC.How does it feel if you are really up there? Check this out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ghost in Hindu Religion - The Preta concept in Hinduism

Ghost in Hinduism is referred as ‘preta’, ‘pey’, ‘pret’ or ‘pretam.’ Do Hindus believe in ghosts? It depends on the individual but it is believed that majority believe in ghosts. The concept of ghosts in Hindu religion is often associated with those people who had an unnatural death like murder, accident, etc and those dead people who were not given proper Hindu dead rituals like Shraadha or Tarpan.

Hindu Death Rituals and Beliefs - Specially dedicated in loving memory of Chandran

A sad day for me on his sudden departure which I feel very cruel for God to act in such manner but again this is fated and a cycle that all human had to undergo.With his short life on earth I feel sorry for his wife and daughter.I decided to post this info's on my blog and I believe will help to understand more on the rituals that been practising by Hindus through out the world.

I dedicate this post in loving memories of Chandran whom had left us leaving behind wife and loving daughter.May his athma attain satgathi and in peace.Om Namah Shivaya!

There is one thing that is certain in this lifetime: eventually we all must die. A belief in the cyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and vedic guidance that describe the reason for death's existence, the rituals that should be performed surrounding it, and the many possible destinations of the soul after departure from its earthly existence. While the ultimate goal is to transcend the need to return to life on earth, all Hindus believe they will be reborn into a future that is based primarily on their past thoughts and actions.
The first mortal to meet his fate with Death was named Yama. This dubious honor makes him uniquely qualified to lead the way for others after death. The sacred scriptures of the Rig Veda, which call him King Yama, promise that all who have been good will receive "admission to Yama's paradise and the everlasting enjoyment of all the heavenly pleasures, include the restoration of a sick body, the maintaining of family relations and the highly desired apotheosis". Yama is aided by two killer guide dogs that are described as the "four-eyed keepers of the path, who watch over men." These "two dark messengers of Yama with flaring nostrils wander among men, thirsting for the breath of life". Yet, once they have secured their prey, they lead them back to their heavenly realm, where Yama directs them to their destiny.

Jump Start Car From the Inside

Jump starting a car is a simple task that doesn’t require much except another car, some jumper cables (the knowledge of what not to do with them) and knowing the location of your battery. Some people don’t know how to do this, some are just afraid of messing around with electricity or getting their hands dirty. If you know someone like this refer them to ThinkGeek’s Closed-Hood Car Jump Starter. It works by connecting the vehicle with the dead battery to another via the cigarette lighter outlets.

Why It's Good to Think You Are the Greatest

Muhammad Ali is known for boasting and bragging about his abilities. His overconfidence may have contributed to his success

From the quality of one's ability to drive to being able to predict the stock market, humans tend to be overconfident creatures. A new study helps explain why.
Despite the risks of car accidents, market bubbles and violence that come along with hubris, overconfidence is often a good strategy for individuals, especially in situations that are full of uncertainty, according to the new study.

The basic message is it's worth it to fight back or take risks, even if you think your opponent might be stronger than you, because you never know. You might just not have the full story. And it's not about pretending or bluffing. Truly believing you are stronger or smarter than you are can make all the difference.
The findings offer insight into a variety of situations throughout history, from financial crises to wars. In offering a new way to understand human behavior, the results may also help prevent similar disasters from happening in the future.

Malaysia's richest man Robert Kuok speaks out - "Sugar King" is a fake fame

MALAYSIA'S richest man, Tan Sri Robert Kuok, is often referred to as the "Sugar King" but the man himself says he does not like the title and deems it a "fake fame".

Kuok, whose empire includes the Shangri-La hotel chain, prefers the title "Hotel King" instead.
"I like hotel but the word king' is just a fake one," the 87-year-old billionaire said in an interview with China Central Television (CCTV) recently.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Communication Made Easier

Sign language, as most probably know is used usually by hearing impaired people but there are some disabilities that also required the use of sign language to communicate. This sign language, although is widely seen, is not used by normal people, which causing them a hard time to communicate with these special people. But thanks to Luise Pescheck, a design student in University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd, communicating with sign language is no longer a dream.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kalsarpa Yogam - What is this? And their effect in Horoscope

Kalsarpa Yoga or Kala Sarpa Yogam, as per Hindu astrology, is a dreaded yoga found in a person’s horoscope where the person under the influence of this yog leads a very miserable life. ‘Kal’ means ‘Time’ and ‘Sarpa’ means ‘Snake or Serpent’. Kalsarp Yoga is so powerful that it can even cancel out all the good Yogas of your horoscope chart.Kalsarpa Yoga in Astrology and Remedies for Kalasarpa YogamWhen some stars concentrate at a single particular position in the horoscope it is the conjunction of planets and in astrology it is termed as “yog”. Kalsarpa is formed when Rahu Graha is tainted. When Rahu is in a good position it brings good fortune. Rahu and Ketu are believed to be shadow planets. When all planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu Kalsarpa is formed. Rahu and Ketu are placed opposite to each other at 180 degree and they don’t have any solid form and cannot be seen with naked eyes.

The Legend behind Kalsarpa YogaKalsarpa is determined on the basis of the position of Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart. Rahu is considered the head of a snake and Kethu is considered the tail of the snake. Rahu is the North Lunar Mode and Ketu is the South Lunar Mode. Lord Rahu was the son of Sinishka and Hiranya Kashyap. He went into the sea to drink the ‘amrit’ obtained from Samudramathan and when he was about to drink Lord Vishnu disguised as Mohini and cut his head off. Later the north part was called as Rahu and the south part was called Ketu and they were made part of Navgraha.

Effects of Kalsarpa Yoga

The Future of Shopping

Imagine taking your wives out shopping and actually enjoying it. And ladies, what would you do to get rid of all the changing rooms and optimize your shopping time? Sound good and this will be the future shopping guys.Well this can pave a way for me to escape for a while to do my bit while my wife are busy with this new gadget.

Fingers To Tell Your Sex Oreantation

Nowadays, it is hard to differentiate transvestite with normal people. But don't worry, biologist Zhengui Zheng at Howard Hughes Medical institute at Florida recently published an article that may uncover the relationship between finger growth and hormone level during embryonic development.

The study suggests that fingers are associated with hormone such as estrogen and testosterone. The study also will be continued with the link between finger length and health problem, aggression, musical talent and sexual orientation. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

State of Art Toilet

It is amazing to see what we can come up with the picture that I shown below.When we mention about toilet which is taboo especially in Malaysia.But with current technology the mind set of people had change.A bit of Art and Tech I can only conclude that this is truly amazing.

Below are some which I would like to share.This is really a breath taking.

Mum-to-mum Guide: How to get your kids to do homework

It's a constant struggle that often involves bribes, threats and punishment. No — we're not talking about getting your husband to take out the trash — we're talking about getting your kids to do their homework.
It's no surprise that many kids simply don't like it. They just spent hours "working" in school and are turned off by the fact that they have to bring home more work.
The problem is, parents get more anxious about getting homework done than kids do. We treat it like a report that we have to turn in at work the next day, and if it's not done, there's a chance our kid could get "fired."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apple Vs Orange.Who Will Win ?

Who says orange is better? Enjoy this graphic performance about apples and oranges. It amaze on what the below had to offer.

10 Most Beautiful Buildings In The World

Eager to know the most beautiful building in the world ? Man made marvel in did a most fascinating one and some with aerodynamic design and technology on its own and some with beautiful structure of design and state of the art.Old or new there are the mark of our world today and will be forever remembered.Let look on the top 10 most beautiful building in the world.

The Health Benefits of Fasting

There has been much contention in the scientific field about whether or not fasting is beneficial to one's health. Fasting is an integral part of many of the major religions including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Many are dubious as to whether the physiological effects are as beneficial as the spiritual promoted by these religions. There is a significant community of alternative healers who believe that fasting can do wonders for the human body. This paper will look at the arguments presented by these healers in an attempt to raise awareness of the possible physiological benefits that may result from fasting.
Fasting technically commences within the first twelve to twenty-four hours of the fast. A fast does not chemically begin until the carbohydrate stores in the body begin to be used as an energy source. The fast will continue as long as fat and carbohydrate stores are used for energy, as opposed to protein stores. Once protein stores begin to be depleted for energy (resulting in loss of muscle mass) a person is technically starving. 

25 Astronomical Facts That You Should Know

1. The Drake Equation was used to identify the possibility of other living organism in our universe.

2. Group that is responsible for searching the extraterrestrial organism is called SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). They send a radio wave signal to outer space and wait for a contact to happen.

3. The supermassive black hole is said to be responsible for creating the galaxies. In fact, scientists now have proved that black hole exists in the center of every galaxies.

4. 100 000 light years are needed in order for sun to orbit the Milky Way.

Here come Donald Duck

All of us really love cartoon and not an exceptional for me either.I love to watch cartoon during my so call kids days.Growing with cartoon like Mickey,Donald,Bugs bunny,Pink Panter and many more which will glue me to the TV for at least an hours.Now my kids will do the same and I think this is a recycle process isn't it? But the most funny and pleasant cartoon charter that I love till today is not other than Donald Duck.So below I had furnished some fact about Donald for all of us to ponder.
Donald Duck is a duck :)Duck, he is normally seen wearing a sailors hat and shirt and either a black or red bow tie. He is an American cartoon character from The Walt Disney Company. He Lives with his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie in a house in Duckburg. Donald gets annoyed easily and he is extensively known for his unstable temper.

Donald Duck's father's name is Quackmore Duck, his mother's name is Hortense McDuck and his twin sister is called Della Thelma Duck.

Donald's voice was performed by Clarence Nash up until 1983. Nash trained Tony Anselmo who was the voice of Donald from 1985 and onwards. Donald Duck’s voice is one of the most recognisable voices of all animated characters.

Donald's first film was called "The Wise Little Hen" which deputed in 1934. One of Donald's films titled "Der Feuhrer's Face" won an academy award in 1943. Donald Duck even has a star on the Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame!

Donald has appeared in 7 animated features, which is more than any of his animated friends. In the 1940s, he was so popular that he featured in more cartoons than Mickey Mouse!

Donald Duck is the mascot of the University of Oregon.

Health Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep, we all love it, especially when you wake up from a great night's sleep. In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors and surrounded by myths, but now we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to overall health and well-being. In fact, when people get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night, their risk for developing diseases begins to increase.

Music Therapy Promotes Health

Music therapy is a healthcare profession that uses music as a medium to address physical, psychological, emotional, social, cognitive, and / or behavioural needs of individuals with the guidance of a certified music therapist under a therapeutic environment.

A music therapist conducts a variety of musical intervention to meet an individual's needs, aiming to improve the quality of life for healthy people who seek personal growth and those with illnesses.

Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care known as
music therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring. This is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many powerful ways. The following are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy:

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Break a Habit in 12 Steps

Our lives are marked by countless habits and routines, many decades in the making. Some are good, some are bad. Learn to change habits that harm you

We all want to be healthy, strong, energized, and happy. So why do so many of us have habits that take us in an opposite direction? Simple: Losing a habit requires change. And of all the things we do in a day, changing is by far the hardest.
You know this, and so do the experts. We recently took a deep exploration into the science of bad habits, reading the wisdom of countless experts, researchers, and gurus on the subject. What they say is both obvious and eye-opening. Here, the 12 guiding principles for breaking a bad habit:

Technically Legal

Today you've probably downloaded an image from the internet for a presentation, posted a comment on your blog about an article you've just read, or uploaded a video clip of a concert you saw onto a video sharing website. You may not realise it, but you may have just broken the law.
Copyright laws protect literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, and these works, unless stated otherwise, cannot be used without the creator's permission. Websites and personal blogs belong to the public domain, so what you put up for public viewing is subject to copyright law.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

6 Electricity Myths That Can Kill

Storm damage got you down and powerless? Don’t become a statistic. The number one rule with power lines is to not touch them. Let the professionals take care of these potential killers. If you hear someone spouting the myths below, set them straight with these tips from

Myth: Power lines are insulated. 90 percent of power lines are not insulated and even the ones that are could have lost insulation from a storm.

Myth: The line is safe because it’s not high voltage. Actually, voltage is not what will kill you, amperage will. It takes 1 amp to cause fatal heart irregularities. The average house has between 100 and 200 amps running through it.

Myth: A fallen wire will shut off. No it won’t because if it falls on a poor conductor, like asphalt the wire will not short circuit.

Myth: A live wire will make sparks when it falls. Not always. The line will spark when it doesn’t make firm contact, with firm contact it will not.

Myth: Wood is not a conductor. False, wood is just a poor conductor, but wet wood is much better so be careful.

Myth: Rubber gloves and rubber shoes insulate. Only if they are 100% pure rubber. Your typical cleaning gloves and shoes are mixed with cheaper materials and they can be conductors.

Planking and my Plankers Kids

Well lets talked about Planking.I love to see many picture in the net on this issue.Sometime its funny and some time its to extreme.There are some incidence where some "plankers" lost their life in a bit to capture the extreme spot of their planking.I had provided their meaning and history below which I extract from Wikipidea.You can try some safe and friendly planking indoor or outdoor.

"Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Rigidity of the body must be maintained to constitute good planking.
Since early 2011, many participants in planking have photographed the activity on unusual locations such as atop poles, roofs and vehicles, while some "plankers" engage in the activity by planking only their upper body and feet while leaving the back suspended.

Friday, September 09, 2011

The food of Malayalee the food of Onnam

Swagatham ! (Greating).Since today is Onnam festival which is the Harvest Festival that been celebrated by all Malayalee through out the world and especially in Kerala.I feel to write a bit about some important aspect of the Onnam festival which I believe without them the Onnam celebration is not up to the mark or expectation.I am talking non other than " Foods".

I  am a Malayalee the 3rd generation in Malaysia.Both my Grandfathers (Dad and Mom parent) originated from Kannur or Cannanore in Kerela which is also famously known as "God Own Country".I been to Kerela for vacation sometime back in 2009 and indeed it is a beautiful country with wonderful scenery and lots lots of greens with marvelous backwaters.A peace of heaven on its own right.The food is superb and as you known the main ingredients is mandatory with Fish,Shrimp,Chicken and Mouton as this is essential in their cuisine.

"Revolutionary Gandhi" - A socialist or even a communist?

(Revolutionary Gandhi) Did you know that India’s independence father Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi had leftist leanings? Or that he had no hesitations in calling himself a socialist or even a communist?
In fact, Gandhi’s ideology to develop the nation, which was then under colonial rule, was premised on the concept of socialism, claims a newly published translated version of an original Bengali book on the iconic statesman.
Translator KV Subrahmonyan has done a brilliant job in painstakingly translating “Gandhi Gabeshana” to become “Revolutionary Gandhi”. The book was originally written by Indian author and a top communist leader Pannalal Dasgupta in 1955 and the English version offers an insight into the thinking of Gandhi on socialism and how he thought it could help form a nation.
“Revolutionary Gandhi” tells its readers of Gandhi’s firm belief that a thorough change in the socio-political environment must start with an individual, rather than with society as a whole. Gandhi’s approach to socialism was inspired by the spirit of putting oneself in order first.
“Beginning with oneself was central to all his thoughts and actions. He also felt the need for a classless society and had no hesitation in calling himself a socialist or even a communist,” wrote Pannalal.
Pannalal argued that on hindsight, left-leaning Indian freedom fighters had failed to recognise Gandhi as a true revolutionary force. He even ventured to state that this was a historical blunder.
Pannalal should know. After all, he was a revolutionary communist leader – widely known as the indomitable rebel – during the years India was fighting for her independence from the British.
The 490-page “Revolutionary Gandhi” is not the ordinary biography or narrative-based book on Gandhi; rather it offers a valuable, penetrating vision into the thoughts of Gandhi while in the midst of preparing his non-violent campaign against the British.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

9/11 REMEMBERED - The evolution of the 9/11 conspiracy theories

(Richard Drew/AP)Yesterday I watch the documentary on 911 since this year again United States and other world will remember the incidence and those whom parish during the attack.I just want to dedicate this article which I publish back in year 2011 to be exactly on September 9,2011.Just to remember our brother and sister who lost their life on that faithful day.

It may be 10 years since the attacks in the US on 11 September, but conspiracy theories have not faded over time, says Mike Rudin, the host of BBC's "Conspiracy Files."

Numerous official reports have been published since the Twin Towers fell, but just when a piece of evidence casts doubt on one theory, the focus then shifts to the next "unanswered question".

Here are five of the most prominent 9/11 conspiracy theories circulating in on line communities.

(Photo by Lt. Col. Bill Ramsay/U.S. Air Force/Getty Images)