Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Break a Habit in 12 Steps

Our lives are marked by countless habits and routines, many decades in the making. Some are good, some are bad. Learn to change habits that harm you

We all want to be healthy, strong, energized, and happy. So why do so many of us have habits that take us in an opposite direction? Simple: Losing a habit requires change. And of all the things we do in a day, changing is by far the hardest.
You know this, and so do the experts. We recently took a deep exploration into the science of bad habits, reading the wisdom of countless experts, researchers, and gurus on the subject. What they say is both obvious and eye-opening. Here, the 12 guiding principles for breaking a bad habit:

Technically Legal

Today you've probably downloaded an image from the internet for a presentation, posted a comment on your blog about an article you've just read, or uploaded a video clip of a concert you saw onto a video sharing website. You may not realise it, but you may have just broken the law.
Copyright laws protect literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, and these works, unless stated otherwise, cannot be used without the creator's permission. Websites and personal blogs belong to the public domain, so what you put up for public viewing is subject to copyright law.