Breakfast anyone? Yes for me as it is one the must in my daily life.Not only mine but to everyone daily life.For me a life without breakfast will be miserable.I seldom skip breakfast and its happened only some time let say one in a blue moon.Breakfast is also important and a must after the long night fast (Sleeping la what else).
Everyone in Malaysia know what is famous for our daily breakfast menu....nasi lemak,roti chanai (prata),tosei,bread toast with half boil egg and of cause dim sum.You name it this is what everybody had in my country Malaysia.So lets talked about other country or other part of the world.When I was in China I had to settle with chicken porridge and in India there are variety of tosei and iddly.Let look at some of the country and lets peek what they have commonly for their break fast.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Resigning with Class: How to Diplomatically Resign From Your Job
Are you preparing to resign from your current job? Some job-seekers have a hard time doing so, either because they love the job and their co-workers or because they can't stand the job and can't wait to leave. Curious? Then read on. This article is really two articles in one. The first part discusses the strategies behind making a graceful departure from your employer and the second part shows you how to write a letter of resignation.
Strategies for Resigning with Class
The most important job-search rule to remember when resigning from any job is that you never want to leave on bad terms -- if possible. Courtesy, etiquette, and professionalism go a long way. So, as much as you may want to tell off your boss or a co-worker, you should never burn any bridges. And don't spend time bragging to co-workers about your great new opportunity. Job-hunting is a funny process, and you never know when you'll run smack right into your former supervisor, a former co-worker, or a former employer through a merger or other circumstance.
So, once you are ready to announce your resignation, how can you make as smooth a transition from your current employer to your new one? You'll again want to act professionally -- and follow company guidelines. Specifically, you need to consider:
Top 10 Global Brands in 2011
“The importance of brand for global business success is becoming increasingly significant,” said David Roth at WPP. “In the last year, the global economy shifted from recovery to real growth, and the combined value of all brands in the top 100 ranking has risen by 64% since 2006 and is now worth US$2.4 trillion. Strong brands, while not immune to the vicissitudes of the market, are more protected, prepared, resourceful and resilient.”
Navaratri/Dassera-Festival of mother
SALUTATIONS to the Divine Mother, Durga, who exists in all beings in the form of intelligence, mercy, beauty, who is the consort of Lord Shiva, who creates, sustains and destroys the universe.
Navaratri (in September-October) is a festival celebrated with eclat in homes and temples alike. According to ancients, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati signify valor, wealth and learning, respectively, just as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva stand for creation, preservation and annihilation.
Navaratri is ideal for worshipping the Mother in her three roles. There is a Vasantha Navaratri, on the nine days starting from sukla paksha prathama in Chithirai month in spring, when Uma is worshipped. What is commonly called Navaratri is the nine-day festival starting from prathama in sukla paksha of Purattasi (September-October). According to the chandra mana measure, these are the nine days from prathama to navami in the aswija sukla paksha. This is the popular autumnal festival Sharada Navaratri when Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshipped.
There is a belief that the first three days are for worship of Durga and the breeding of courage and valor in the world; the next three for worship of Lakshmi for universal prosperity; and the last three for worship of Saraswati for growth of learning.
Einstein, The Freaking Genius
Today I feel like a historian, so I’m gonna tell you the history of a brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein. Einstein is so famous till the word Einstein is used to describe a genius, regardless of what field they’re in. Though he was a brilliant scientist, not that many people really understand how his life was. So here, I’m hoping that you guys can use his life story as your motivation, whatever.
Einstein in his early life |
Einstein was born in March 1879, in Ulm, located under the German Empire during that time. During his early childhood, Einstein had some difficulties in speaking. He attended a Catholic elementary school when he was five and three years later, he was transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium where he received more advance primary and secondary education.
Jitterbug dance
I really amuse when watching this dance.A type of swing dance that also remind me during my teenage days.Remember break dance? Well its hot during my younger days and I am not exceptional either on this phenomena that hits the world.I and friends use to do break dancing way back then and even perform in expo.I did do a performance wile dancing and singing a Jive Bunny song in ADD(annual dinner and dance) of my previously employed company back then.Believe more than 20 years had pass but when I see this Jitterbug dance its remind me what I did back then.I really enjoy it.