Thursday, December 29, 2011

10 Unexpected Uses For Beer

There are many different uses for beer besides getting drunk.

There are many useful uses for beer besides drinking it and having fun. Most of us just enjoy drinking beer, but the truth is, it can be used in a variety of different ways. Especially when you don’t want to throw away any extra beer you have. Here are just 10 examples of what you can do with them.

What are the seven seas?

There is no definitive answer to this question.The phrase is a figure of speech and has been used to refer to different bodies of water at various times and places.

Some ancient civilizations used the phrase “seven seas” to describe the bodies of water known at that time. The ancient Romans called the lagoons separated from the open sea near Venice the septem maria or seven seas. Most current sources state that "seven seas" referred to the Indian Ocean, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea.

Top Ten Popular Puzzles Of All Time

Bored? Are you looking for a fun and enjoyable activity that can help you pass the time? If these are your concerns, then why not try solving puzzles for a change? Puzzles come in different forms, from simple types that are made for kids, to mind-boggling types that can take you hours to finish.

If you think that solving puzzles is just for geeks, think again. Do you know that these fun activities not only help boost a person’s analytical thinking, but also help develop logical and deduction skills? Puzzles not only keep you busy, but also help enhance your mind power!