Friday, November 30, 2012


Nebuchadnezzar the King of Jews
He bought his wife a pair of shoes
when the shoes begin to wear
Nebuchadnezzar begin to swear
When the swear begin to stop
Nebuchadnezzar bought a shop
When the shop begin to sell
Nebuchadnezzar bought a bell
When the bell begin to ring
Nebuchadnezzar begin to sing

The above is the nursery rhyme been thought to me during my primary years back in 1978 or 1978 I guess and I do wander who really this Nebuchadnezzar was at that time.Yes because of his funny long name and difficult to pronounce.Till today I still remember this rhyme and I use to sing this rhyme to my kids and they will asked me the same question which I had asked before....Who is Nebuchadnezzar? Well but now I do understand who really Nebuchadnezzar was.Don't you ?

A Brief Outline Of Hinduism From Swami Vivekananda

The word `Hindu' originally meant `those who lived on the other side of the river Indus (in Sanskrit, Sindhu)'. Alternate names for the people following the religion can be `Vaidikas', followers of the Vedas, or `Vedantists', followers of the Vedanta. So, let us have a brief overview of the Vedas. The Vedas is not the utterance of persons.