Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beautiful Woman Newscasters - Top 10

Newscaster is a face which we see almost every day. I suppose, it is much better being told about some event or weather forecast by a beautiful woman than by some chap. Women have really dominated the news casting profession because of the facelift they give to the usually tense newsroom as well as the channel. It has almost become a ritual to name the Top 10 Most Beautiful Newscasters every year! People do not realize that these women newscasters and news anchors enjoy as much attention interest as celebrities and movie stars do. They have their own makeup team and what they wear has become a matter of great importance to the TV channel! Most channels employee women news casters especially in the weather report and sports segments. They also make excellent hosts of talk shows where they flaunt their charms and aim to analyze the latest trends. Following is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Newscasters and News Anchorsfrom around the world. 

The Failure Dream Of Vladimir Lenin

He was mainly responsible for creating a totalitarian regime which killed millions of innocent people. Lenin was born into a middle class family in April 1870. His real name was Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. Lenin was a well educated man and in 1892 he qualified as a lawyer.Meanwhile in 1887 Lenin's older brother Aleksandr was executed for plotting to murder the Tsar.