Sunday, December 04, 2011

Award Winning Photographs - Part II

Perviously I had posted the award winning photograph from 1942 to 1970's and now lets see what in store for us from 1971 to 2009 which fall under this segment as Part II.


Salvador Allende’s Final Photograph
Photographer: Orlando Lagos
Year: 1973 World Press Winner


On September 11, 1973, president Salvador Allende appears shortly before
his death in the presidential palace La Moneda during General Pinochet’s
military coup.  Salvador Allende, President of Chile, reportedly committed
suicide during the Chilean coup of 1973.  Since that time, there has been
great controversy between supporters and detractors of Allende on the
circumstances of his death.  Lagos's identity as the photographer was not
revealed until February 2007, a month after his death.

Boston Fire
Photographer: Stanley Forman
Year: 1975 World Press Winner


During a fire in a Boston apartment building, the fire escape collapses and a
woman falls down with her daughter to the street below.  The woman died at
the scene of impact, but the child survived. 

Lull in the Battle
Photographer: Gerald H. Gay
Year: 1975 Pulitzer


Four exhausted firefighters in Burien, Washington take a break after battling a
difficult house fire.  

Lebanese Civil War
Photographer: Françoise Demulder
Year: 1976 World Press Winner


The Lebanese Civil War was a multifaceted civil war in Lebanon.  The war
lasted from 1975 to 1990 and resulted in an estimated 130,000 to 250,000
civilian fatalities.  Approximately one million people (one third of the
population) were wounded, half of whom were left with lifetime disabilities.
Françoise Demulder captured this award winning photograph in January of
1976.  It shows a group of Palestinian refugees fleeing Beirut.

Photographer: Leslie Hammond
Year: 1977 World Press Winner


Apartheid was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National
Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the
rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and
minority rule by whites was maintained.  In this famous photograph, Leslie
Hammond captured South African police tear-gassing a group of
demonstrators in Modderdam, near Cape Town.

Soiling of Old Glory
Photographer: Stanley Forman
Year: 1977 Pulitzer


The photograph depicts a white teenager, Joseph Rakes, about to assault
black lawyer and civil-rights activist Ted Landsmark with a flagpole bearing
the American flag.  It was taken at Boston City Hall on April 5, 1976, during a
protest against court-ordered desegregation busing.The picture ran on the
front page of the Herald American the next day, and also appeared in several
newspapers across the country.

Narita International Airport
Photographer: Sadayuki Mikami
Year: 1978 World Press Winner


After years of protests by the public against the construction of Tokyo Narita
Airport, it is ready to open when on March 26, 1978 serious clashes break
out between demonstrators and the police.

Firing Squad in Iran
Photographer: Jahangir Razmi
Year: 1980 Pulitzer


In 1979, the only anonymous photograph to win a Pulitzer Prize was taken.  It
captured nine Kurdish rebels and two of the Shah’s policemen being
executed by firing squad in revolutionary Iran.  In 2006, the photographer's
identity was revealed to be Jahangir Razmi. 

23-F Coup Attempt in Madrid
Photographer:  Manuel Pérez Barriopedro
Year: 1981 World Press Winner


On February 23, 1981 Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero speaks with a gun
in his hand before the Spanish Congress of Deputies, holding hostage the
government and MPs.  23-F is the name given to an attempted coup d'état
in Spain that began on February 23, 1981 and ended on the following day.  It
is also known as El Tejerazo from the name of its most visible figure,
Antonio Tejero, who led the failed coup's most notable event by bursting into
the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the process of electing Leopoldo
Calvo Sotelo to be the country's new Prime Minister.

Election in South Korea
Photographer: Anthony Suau
Year: 1987 World Press Winner


On December 18, 1987, a desperate mother in Kuro, South Korea leans
against a riot policeman’s shield and begs for mercy for her son, arrested
during a demonstration.  After the November election there were protests
against the government, accused of electoral fraud.

Nashim Elshani Deathbed
Photographer: Georges Merillon
Year: 1990 World Press Winner


The family of Nashim Elshani grieves around his deathbed.  Elshani was
killed while protesting for Kosovar autonomy, surrounding the Kosovo

Gulf War
Photographer: David Turnley
Year: 1991 World Press Winner


U.S. Sergeant Ken Kozakiewicz mourns the death of fellow soldier Andy
Alaniz, killed by friendly fire.

First Chechen War
Photographer: Lucian Perkins
Year: 1995 World Press Winner


The First Chechen War was a conflict between the Russian Federation and
the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, fought from December 1994 to August
1996.  In this famous photo, a small boy peers out of a refugee-packed bus
fleeing fighting near Shali, Chechnya and heading for Grozny.

Refugees Cross Into Tanzania
Photographer: Martha Rial
Year: 1996


There are currently 42 million people on this planet who have been forced to
seek refuge, and quite often they must endure a long journey to find a
refugee camp that will provide them with food, water, shelter and vitally
needed medical attention.  This photo did not win the Pulitzer, but Martha
Rial did win the award in 1998 for her portraits of survivors of the conflicts in
Rwanda and Burundi. 

Firefighter Rescue
Photographer: Annie Wells
Year: 1997 Pulitzer


This photo shows firefighter Don Lopez grabbing a tree after diving into a
flooded creek to rescue Marglyn Paseka, 15, from the rapidly rising water. It
was taken by Annie Wells of the Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, California. 

Immigration to the United States
Photographer: Lara Jo Regan
Year: 2000 World Press Winner


As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent
residents than any other country in the world.  Since the liberalization of
immigration policy of 1965, the number of first- generation immigrants living
in the United States has quadrupled, from 9.6 million in 1970 to about 38
million in 2007.  A record 1,046,539 people were naturalized as U.S. citizens
in 2008.  In this famous photo,
A Mexican immigrant works in order to feed
her children. 

Earthquake in Iran
Photographer: Eric Grigorian
Year: 2002 World Press Winner


A boy holds the trousers of his dead father, killed in the June 23, 2002 Iranian

Iraq War
Photographer: Jean-Marc Bouju
Year: 2003 World Press Winner


An Iraqi prisoner of war with a hood over his head comforts his son at a
holding centre.

Lebanon War
Photographer: Spencer Platt
Year: 2006 World Press Winner


The 2006 Lebanon War was a 34-day military conflict in Lebanon and
northern Israel.  The principal parties were Hezbollah paramilitary forces and
the Israeli military.  The conflict started on July 12, 2006, and continued until
a United Nations-brokered ceasefire went into effect on the morning of
August 14, 2006.  The conflict formally ended on September 8, 2006 when
Israel lifted its naval blockade of Lebanon.  In this famous photograph, five
young Lebanese ride in a convertible through the rubble of a bombed South

Afghanistan War
Photographer: Tim Hetherington
Year: 2007 World Press Winner


An exhausted American soldier leans against a wall and keeps his eyes

West Bank Settlers
Photographer: Oded Balilty
Year: 2007 Pulitzer


The Israeli West Bank barrier is a barrier being constructed by the State of
Israel.  It consists of a network of fences with vehicle-barrier trenches
surrounded by an on average 60 meter wide exclusion area and high
concrete walls up to 8 meters high.  The barrier is built mainly in the West
Bank and partly along the 1949 Armistice line, or "Green Line" between
Israel and Palestinian West Bank.  In this famous photograph, a lone Jewish
woman defies Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the
West Bank.

The Mortgage Crisis
Photographer: Anthony Suau
Year: 2008 World Press Winner


The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing real estate and financial crisis
triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in
the United States, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial
markets around the globe.  In this famous photograph, an armed officer
moves through a home following residents' eviction as a result of mortgage

Fatally Wounded
Photographer: Adrees Latif
Year: 2008 Pulitzer


A Japanese videographer is sprawled on the pavement, after being fatally
wounded during a street demonstration in Myanmar.

Iranian Presidential Election, 2009
Photographer: Pietro Masturzo
Year: 2009 World Press Winner


Iran's tenth presidential election was held on June 12, 2009, with incumbent
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad running against three challengers.  The next morning
the Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran's official news agency, announced
that with two-thirds of the votes counted, Ahmadinejad had won the election
with 62% of the votes cast and that Mir-Hossein Mousavi had received 34%
of the votes cast.

The European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States, expressed
concern over alleged irregularities during the vote, many analysts and
journalists from the United States, Europe and other western based media
voiced doubts about the authenticity of the results.  In this famous
photograph, an Iranian woman is seen shouting from a rooftop in Tehran in
protest against the result of Iranian presidential elections of 2009.

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