Friday, January 20, 2012

Princess Diana's Ghost !!

Does Ghost exist ? Well very Taboo for some and for many they do believe and may had spotted them.Anyway this is very interesting ghost story and not an ordinary ghost story but the ghost of the famous.Diana Princes Of Wales died in a car accident in Paris on 31st August 1997.Nothing much I can say about Prince Di as she is a well known world figure during her lifetime.But this footage of her ghost really chill me off which appearing in a church in Scotland.

A group of Chinese tourists filmed the stained glass window in Scotland without realising that it featured Princess Di from beyond the grave.The video appears to show a ghostly-looking image resembling Diana.This convinced the short snippet of footage could well be evidence or paranormal activity.Scientists tell us that ghosts don't exist, and yet people around the world keep seeing them.While we might not want nothing to do with the dead, perhaps some ghosts have unfinished business with us.This is really the 'clearest' paranormal images that so far has come across.The footage is currently being examined by researchers to ascertain if it is a genuine ghost capture. It might be a bizarre optical illusion, but then again, it could be a ghost - possibly Princess Diana's.

Ghosts often appear in places connected to their lives and families. Ghosts might appear to warn individuals, groups and even entire nations of possible impending danger.The Princess of Wales' mother is believed to have spent a lot of time in Scotland, passing away there in 2004.

The footage is being used in an upcoming TV series on Paranormal mysteries.

See the footage below and decide for yourself.


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