Friday, January 13, 2012

Toothpaste and its Impact on the Environment

Going green has become a regular way of life for a lot of people, and there are some who do it without even realising they are. It can be simple things like turning off the lights when you aren’t using a room anymore, recycling plastic bottles on a regular basis or making something out of the leftovers from meals. These same folk will unplug every appliance in their home and always check for energy efficient models of appliances. They do this in an effort to conserve energy and save money on their utility bills each month; never consciously thinking they are participating in their own green lifestyle.

Small Steps for a Big Impact
When it hits people that they are doing a good deed for the environment – and it will – they may be ready to do more. One thing people can do to help the environment, and it’s always the small things we take for granted, is monitor their use of toothpaste.
Yes, it’s as simple as that. Toothpaste has a huge impact on our environment. Think about where it goes when you spit it out and it goes down the drain. Think about the tube it comes in, and the box that tube comes in.

Don’t believe it yet?
Well, there was that time in Panama when over 300 people died from toothpaste. This is an extreme example, but it is true. The toothpaste in question was tainted with diethylene glycol. If an ordinary fellow was concerned enough to check the ingredients in their toothpaste, they may be surprised to find that this is a chemical which is used in antifreeze. Sounds like a fairly good ingredient for something like toothpaste. That, of course, was a very tragic incident as the result of a product that got past food, health and environmental checks.

A quick check on what is in an ordinary tube of toothpaste may still reveal toxins that are quite commonly used, such as:
Triclosan, which happens to be a known pesticide.Potassium Nitrate; this little ingredient is an environmental hazard to the aquatic environment.
There are also Methylparaben and Ethylparaben in toothpastes and Parabens are hormonal disasters for many animals.

The Real Eco Disadvantage
For even more environmental revulsion you might consider the actual tube that your toothpaste comes in. It is usually encased in a bright and colourful cardboard box that catches our eye, which will fill our landfills for a good, long time.
You may think that as one single, lone person your paltry, monthly tube of toothpaste isn’t going to bring about the destruction of the world’s eco system. True, but most everyone you know uses toothpaste too. There is your mom, dad, siblings, their kids, two hundred co-workers and your seven hundred closest Facebook friends. Then you can times that by all their friends, family and co-workers. Whew, that equals a large portion of people, so think about the entire worldwide population and their toothpaste usage.

Our Small Part Equals Big Advantages
We should all do our part but that always starts with just one person. There are several natural toothpastes for consumer consumption that won’t harm us, the environment or the waterways it runs out into. There are lots of toothpastes that have no fluoride, (a huge controversy we won’t go into right now), with eco-friendly ingredients such as peroxide, baking soda and peppermint. These are natural cleaners and sweet breath enhancers.
If you are looking for your small part by using one of the safest and least harmful toothpastes for people and the environment, as well as one that gets great reviews, try Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Toothpaste.

You might also consider Miessence Organic Mint Toothpaste or Desert Natural Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste. It, of course, has tea tree oil and seaweed extract. It cleans teeth effectively and is eco-great.

The environment is our sustaining force and it is up to each of us to help it last as long as possible. If that small step is reducing the impact our hygienic health makes, then take that small step.

1 comment:

  1. Good infos...didnt know toothpaste can do wonders like this...!!
