The prevailing wisdom may be that newspapers are on their way out (or at least migrating to the kindle-verse) but there are at least a few still alive and kicking — and beautifully designed. The Society for News Design has recently named five newspapers from four different countries as the contenders the World’s Best-Designed Newspaper in its 33rd annual The Best of Newspaper Design Creative Competition.Canada has two winners, and Mexico, Denmark, and Germany are also represented, chosen by an equally international panel of judges. Click through to see the best-designed newspapers in the world, and then head over to SND to read more, and be sure to let us know if you agree with their picks in the comments.

Politiken, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)

The Grid, Toronto, ON, Canada
Cir. 25,000 – 74,000 – 74,999 (Non-Daily)

National Post, Toronto, ON, Canada
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Cir. 175,000 & over (Non-Daily)

Excelsior, Mexíco City, Mexíco
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)
Politiken, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)
The Grid, Toronto, ON, Canada
Cir. 25,000 – 74,000 – 74,999 (Non-Daily)
National Post, Toronto, ON, Canada
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Cir. 175,000 & over (Non-Daily)
Excelsior, Mexíco City, Mexíco
Cir. 75,000 – 174-999 (Daily)
How about Malaysia?