Monday, December 17, 2012

Lets Workout At Gym

One of my many resolution for year 2013 is to hit the Gym again.After many years I had left the Gym workout here once again I will be sweating with technical exercise.Plan to start my workout right after Christmas and some tips that I find necessary especially for beginner and worth sharing.

Regardless of your age or physical level these gym workout tips are something everyone should be doing to get the most from your workout and avoid injuries.

Warm Up
The warm up gym workout tip is important because you need to raise your body temperature and increase blood flow to loosen your muscles.

If you skip a warm up, you not only risk injury, but your joints are often stiffer the next day.

Warm ups can include things like walking around your gym or even walking from room to room around your home. Getting on a treadmill and walking is an excellent way to warm up. Just doing this for even five to ten minutes can make a lot of difference in your workout.

Stretching Excersises
Stretching exercises give your muscles flexibility and this is a key factor in preparing for any aerobic activity. Hamstring stretching exercises are a very important gym workout tip because this is one of the the most common muscle injury in gyms.

Sensible Weight Training
Weight training is ideal for increasing your energy and stamina. But an important gym workout tip is to increase weight slowly so you don't damage your muscles.

Drink Water
Drinking water for health and replenishing your body fluids is a critical gym workout tip for keeping your body hydrated. Drink water prior to exercise, while exercising and drink even more water after your workout to replenish fluids lost when sweating.

Cool It Down
Another good gym workout tip that many people don't think about is to cool it down. A proper cool down after your workout includes deep breathing and long stretching exercises.

This is what gets your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure back down to normal. At the same time this way of cooling down will improving your flexibility.

Here is a good gym workout tip if you want to lose weight, build muscle and maintain good energy levels. You need to break a small sweat and workout at 40 to 70 percent of your target heart rate.

To find your target heart rate, subtract your age from 220, then shoot for 40 to 70 percent of that rate. That way you know you're getting the right combination of aerobic activity and oxygen for an ideal workout.

A little soreness a day or two after a workout is okay, but being really sore is not. A workout that's too intense can cause joint and muscle pain, so if you're hurting too much after a workout, back off of the intensity.

If you are not sore at all, increase the intensity to get the maximum workout results and to maintain weight loss if that is your goal. These gym workout tips can get you the most benefits from your workout and at the same time avoid any injuries.

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