Monday, February 04, 2013

Amondawa Tribe

You probably have never heard of Amondawa tribe, but this tribe has given scientists chaos in their theory that time was deep-rooted in human brain.


Amondawa tribe, is believed to not have the concept of time. The concept of time is so loss that they did not have words for "year", "week", "month". According to Chris Sinha, a professor at the University of Portsmouth, Amondawa people live in a world of events without embedding the time in the event like normal human should, or at least, normal to us. 

This people, rather than splitting day into specific part like morning, evening, afternoon or night, they just have two, day or night! Their season is also divided into two, rainy and dry.

Well, living without the concept of time certainly can benefit us in some way, but can you imagine if time does not exist??

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