Friday, July 18, 2014

How To Convince You..? My Lovely Father And Mother

Marriage is an important thing in our life.It is a trustworthy institute and everyone has right to choose their soul mate without any reference to cast,creed or colour.And most important ingredients is the TRUST.

When I look back on the incidence that happened in my life and others, it's do make me think with one same question again and again.Do parents really trust their kids especially girls? I am a father to a lovely girl myself and the same question I always ask and still keep asking myself.

I would like to share my thought on some parents whom do not really balance up their love between their children's.This do happen and its still happening around us today.What a surprise!! A big question WHY..? Why you need to have such difference ? In Malay we call this "Berat Sebelah".

You don't treat your children's in this manner.One with a special treatment and care while the other will be ignored and on its own.The Ignored one will be the one who suffer and to such parents letting them go is not the right choice.Do you think it's easy to let your child just go like that especially when they had grown and ready to face the world? Well that's why our Indian films will come as a guide for you..really! I mean it.Go and pick a movie and watch them.You will understand what I really mean.

Why can't the parents think more rationally? Why not look into their future as well? Or there are some "leaches" whom giving a wrong advise? Or try to help..? really..? Thinking they knew everything and demand to follow their way and at the end lead them to doom.In the end they will not be there to render any support and the family will rotten to suffer.Who are they ? What they got to do with your child life ? Who care if they are relative,sister,untie,uncle,grandpa,grandma or whosoever.Only listen to one whom really come in to help sincerely and try to understand the differences.

I am old enough to render advise to my parents but when I was a kid they do this to me.My father do listen like a kid in primary school when I start to share my thought and idea.I believe out of respect and his pride that he have on me.I never fail him and always listen to him till today.I don't like to advise because I know a lot of people don't like been advise.That's why I advise my kids through Story Telling and explain to them the moral of the story.You need to understand one thing which is the basic ingredients when come to this kind of issue.An idea that will have a pleasant ending and benefit to all that involve.In business we call this 50:50 deal where no one will get hurt in the end and everybody live happily ever after like a fairytale sweet ending stories.

And a common thing that parents do when come to this situation is hitting.Like washing your cloths near the river side like they shows in Tamil film and allas!! their children will face the fate like this cloths.A good playground to kick your children ass in the name of responsibility,use your brain please.Don't hit your kids especially those grown up one.What will you achieve by doing this?

An approach that children need when come to situation like this but children use to think that they are old enough and smart to take decision on their own.When your really do, put yourself in your parents situation.Will you? You will not understand your parents sorrow but one day you will when you become a Lovely Father and Mother yourself and can you be convince ?


  1. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 1.jpg
    Find the correct moment to talk to your parents. Avoid situations when they are tensed or irritated. Try and explain to your parents why you love your boyfriend/girlfriend. List out the reasons why you love them and what are the things that made you fall for them in the first place, even though it may sound like a business proposal. 
  1. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 2.jpg
    Search for marriages in your family which are inter caste or unconventional and were successful and use them as examples to prove your point.
  2. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 3.jpg
    Get some people like your married cousins to support you when talking about your marriage.(Get a reliable one..Please)
  3. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 4.jpg
    Ask them to meet your future partner and then decide without any pressure,also ask them to not to be biased.(Ensure this is done within your family and not inviting the entire reletives which will make thing worse)
  4. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 5.jpg
    Try to keep your parents away from relatives or people who are against intercaste marriage.(This is MUST)
  5. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 6.jpg
    Tell them that marriage is all about a little bit of compromise and sacrifice and that the two of you don't have any problem in doing the same. No marriage is without compromise.
  6. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 7.jpg
    Never pressure them by saying that you will move out with your partner. This would create more hatred towards your relationship.
  7. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 8.jpg
    Try to get at least one of your parents on your side. But try not to cause a rift between them on this topic since they will attribute that to you and your boyfriend/girlfriend.
  8. Convince Your Parents of Your Intercaste Love Step 9.jpg
    Do not beg or plead. Try doing it with dignity. And do not get into fights or yelling matches with them on this topic since it will make you seem immature and unworthy of their consideration of your love.
    If nothing else works, tell them firmly and politely that this is the person you have chosen for yourself and they should try and accept it because at the end of the day it is your life that is at stake.


  1. I don’t really agree on this. Parents have the right to select the destiny for their children's. Especially Indian childrens.This is tradition that must be follow strictly.

  2. Parents are the core decision maker in family but I really feel they should also listen to their children's. This is 21 century and we do not have such situation like we use to practice before. Why do we not put the trust on our children's and give them a chance?As a parents they can always guide through the decision that been made. Think about it.Anyway this is a good article and eye opener.
