Monday, October 10, 2011

Name of The Planet and Its Meaning

Wonder how our mother earth get its name and all the other 8 of our neighbour planets ? An interesting subject to share.
1. Jupiter - Jupiter is the King of God in ancient Roman history. His Greek name is Zeus (now everyone's familiar with it). He has an eagle messenger, can throw a lightning bolt and with his ability, all other Gods are terrified with him. Nevertheless, Jupiter was a little scared with his wife, Juno. The word Jupiter means "Father Jove."

2. Neptune - Neptune is considered as the god of the sea. His Greek name is Poseidon, the one that carried a trident. In Roman history, Neptune was not considered as an important god as Romans are basically poor sailors.

3. Pluto - Pluto, or Hades in Greek, was given the title god of the dead. In ancient Roman, they believed that if they ever even whisper Pluto's real name, they afraid that he might notice and they'll die afterward. The underworld, where only the dead can enter, they must pass through the river of the dead called styx. They must first pay the ferryman Charon in order to cross the Styx and pass through Cerberus, the dog with three heads. It is believed the only one who survived when fighting the Cerberus is Hercules, the strongest man in the world.

4. Saturn - The father of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. He was given the title God of time and his weapon is the scythe. His sons, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto represents the Air, Water and Death, which are three things that time can't kill. Nevertheless, Saturnine in English means serious and gloomy and its Greek name is Cronos.

5. Uranus - Uranus is the god of the sky and his wife, Gaia, is the goddess of the earth. This man and wife are the parent for Saturn. It is said that Uranus and Gaia was once having a big argument and then split apart. That is why the earth and the sky nowadays are separated.

6. Mars - Mars or Ares in Greek, was given the title God of War. He was also the son of Jupiter and the father of Romulus and Remus, although he left them to die when they were young and being adopted by a mother wolf. He was one of the most important figure to Romans as Romans were great soldiers. The name "March" was derived from Mars because that was the time where the soldiers started fighting again after the winter.

7. Venus - Also called the Aphrodite in Greek, Venus was the goddess of love in ancient Roman history. Venus was also the mother of Cupid and Aeneas. Venus promised Helen to Paris if he chooses her to be the fairest among Juno and Minerva in order to get the golden apple. Unfortunately Helen was married. So Paris carried Helen all the way to Troy where Helen's husband came with allies and Troy was destroyed. An irony for a Goddess of love.

8. Mercury - Be called Hermes in Greek, Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and was given the title god of travellers. Mercury was very skilled and he had a winged hat and sandals that helped him to move. His staff also has wings and snake winding around it. He managed to steal Apollo's cow and create a special shoes so that the cow would walk backwards. He also created a musical instrument called lyre but was given to Apollo after he found out that he was the one who stole his cow.

9. Earth - Other planets were name after Roman God and Goddess except for earth. The name Earth simply came from the German word "Erde" which means the ground. Among all the names, Earth was at least 1000 years old from when the naming took place.

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