Friday, October 07, 2011

Sargasso Sea

When Columbus sailed the Sargaso Sea     
His sailors did shudder and cry:
"Our ship will sink in this horrible sea.
We'll never get home-we'll die !"

Some people say it's a dark,dangerous trap for sailing ship.But it isn't.Some say it's a giant floating island.But it's not.Others call it an ocean jungle.Wrong.It's the Sargaso Sea - a place in the North Atlantic Ocean where the water is so clam that seaweed grows there.The top of the still water is so crowded with tangled seaweed that captains once feared their ships would get caught in it and be pulled down.

Long ago many stories of this strange and fearful place were told.Sailors thought sea monsters lived under the seaweed.Now we know that most of the old stories aren't true and that most of the sailors fears were unnecessary.In many place in the ocean some of the water moves as a river moves.One of these rivers in the ocean is called the Gulf Dtream.At one place between the curves of the Gulf Stream where thewater is still and warm is the Sargasso Sea.

Little fish that swim there look so much like the seaweed that their enemies can't easily find them.Snails and many other tiny sea animals cling to the endless tangled mass of plants.

The Sargasso Sea is big - so big that most of the United States could fit inside of it !.That's a lot of seaweed !

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