The search for extraterrestrial life began long time ago but it may be due to some conspiracy that we don't know, the existence of this life has not been proved yet. Nevertheless, human keep sending message in the form of radio waves to see whether an outer space life can detect and decode it or not.
The message was created by Dr Frank Drake, the creator of Drake Equation with the help of few other people including Carl Sagan, an American astronomer. The message consists of seven parts which generally explain about life on Earth.
The parts are:
- The numbers 1 through 10. (white)
- Atomic number of Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus, the elements that make up Deoxyrebonucleic Acid. (purple)
- The formula for sugars and bases in nucleotides of DNA. (green)
- Number of nucleotides (green) and the basic double helix structure of DNA. (blue)
- Graphic figure of human, dimension of the average man and human population on Earth in 1974. (red)
- Graphic of the solar system. (yellow)
- Graphic of Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension of the transmitting antenna dish. (bottom purple)
The message was encoded in binary in which it must be arranged in 73 rows and 23 columns for the string to make any sense. The binary string is as follows.
00000010101010000000000 00101000001010000000100 10001000100010010110010 10101010101010100100100 00000000000000000000000 00000000000011000000000 00000000001101000000000 00000000001101000000000 00000000010101000000000 00000000011111000000000 00000000000000000000000 11000011100011000011000 10000000000000110010000 11010001100011000011010 11111011111011111011111 00000000000000000000000 00010000000000000000010 00000000000000000000000 00001000000000000000001 11111000000000000011111 00000000000000000000000 11000011000011100011000 10000000100000000010000 11010000110001110011010 11111011111011111011111 00000000000000000000000 00010000001100000000010 00000000001100000000000 00001000001100000000001 11111000001100000011111 00000000001100000000000 00100000000100000000100 00010000001100000001000 00001100001100000010000 00000011000100001100000 00000000001100110000000 00000011000100001100000 00001100001100000010000 00010000001000000001000 00100000001100000000100 01000000001100000000100 01000000000100000001000 00100000001000000010000 00010000000000001100000 00001100000000110000000 00100011101011000000000 00100000001000000000000 00100000111110000000000 00100001011101001011011 00000010011100100111111 10111000011100000110111 00000000010100000111011 00100000010100000111111 00100000010100000110000 00100000110110000000000 00000000000000000000000 00111000001000000000000 00111010100010101010101 00111000000000101010100 00000000000000101000000 00000000111110000000000 00000011111111100000000 00001110000000111000000 00011000000000001100000 00110100000000010110000 01100110000000110011000 01000101000001010001000 01000100100010010001000 00000100010100010000000 00000100001000010000000 00000100000000010000000 00000001001010000000000 01111001111101001111000
The message was sent with the aim of demonstrating the ability of arecibo radio telescope, not with the aim to find intelligent extraterrestrial life. Though, we'll never know what will happen in the next 50 000 years, could we?
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